
Probably the most common statements we hear from new coaches are, “I just want to give back.” And, “If I had a peer coach when I was struggling in my recovery, I would have been sober sooner.” This, along with our success stories, is affirmation for us that our model works.

William White circa 1971

What is a Peer Coach?

  • A Motivator and Cheerleader exhibits bold faith in individual/family capacity for change; encourages and celebrates achievement*
  • An Ally and Confidant genuinely cares, listens and can be trusted with confidences*
  • A Truth-Teller provides a consistent source of honest feedback regarding self-destructive patterns of thinking, feeling and acting*
  • A Role Model and Mentor offers his/her life as living proof of the transformative power of recovery; provides stage-appropriate recovery education and advice*
  • A Problem Solver identifies and helps resolve personal and environmental obstacles to recovery*
  • A Resource Broker links individuals/families to formal and indigenous sources of sober housing, recovery-conducive employment, health and social services, and recovery support*
  • An Advocate helps individuals and families navigate the service system assuring service access, service responsiveness and protection of rights*
  • A Community Organizer helps develop and expand available recovery support resources*
  • A Lifestyle Consultant assists individuals/families to develop sobriety-based rituals of daily living*


* The History and Future of Peer Based Addiction Recovery Support Services. William White Papers

P2P Coaches

Peer Role Clarity

  • They do not give money to the person or provide necessities like housing
  • They do not use clinical language
  • They do not provide case management services
  • Peer Support Providers do not diagnose, assess, or treat
  • They do not do tasks for the person
  • Shows a person how to accomplish tasks and acquire needed resources.
  • Uses language based on common experiences
  • Helps the person find professional help if needed
  • Shares knowledge of local resources
  • Encourages, supports, and praises
  • Helps to set personal goals

Become a Coach

To become a Peer Recovery Coach in Colorado:

The state of Colorado requires that peer recovery coaches have completed training in the Combined Core Competencies. Certification credentials are based on experience and competencies as set by the International Certification & Reciprocity Consortium. Competencies like a) Knowledge of Mental Health/Substance Use Conditions and Treatments b) Resiliency, Recovery and Wellness c) Ethics and d) Resources to name a few.

  • Formed in 1994 the Colorado Providers Association (COPA) is a professional trade association representing clinical and non-clinical prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery service providers. COPA defines and approves the state of Colorado certification criteria and is the body that awards the Colorado Certified Peer & Family Specialist credential.
  • This certification is intended as a professional credential for individuals with lived experience in behavioral health. Lived experience is defined as having one or more of the following: A history of substance use disorder and currently engaged in recovery, a history of mental health diagnosis, and/or a history of caregiving to a person with substance use or mental health disorders.
  • Those seeking to become a Colorado Peer & Family Specialist must accumulate educational credits- CEUs, have volunteer or paid experience and have evidence of supervised hours. A more detailed description of the criteria can be found here:

The Colorado Providers Association (COPA) website has the most comprehensive list of entities that offer certification curriculum training as well as the criteria to become a Certified Peer & Family Specialists (CPFS).

Training costs vary by provider, please reference the COPA link above. Commonly there are scholarships available that will cover some costs.

Yes, we encourage those with lived experience to apply, previous justice involvement included.

Yes, all of our coaches need to have their own transportation and a valid driver’s license and insurance.

No, P2P has varied community partners from which we draw referrals and new coached are assigned P2P clients.

Lived experience is part of being a coach and field experience is preferred but not necessary.

Lived experience or indirect experience supporting family members with substance misuse is preferred.

Yes, with the understanding that you meet the needs of the recoverees you work with.